Spring 2018 we did a small experiment on fish feed. In the project 'Broedhuis paling en tarbot: optimaal resultaat door kennisdeling' we worked together with TEMA on feed for (broodstock) turbot. It is difficult to test feed on broodstock, because it will take a lot of time te see any effect. So as a pre-study we used small turbot and we tested the effect of razor clams and shrimp shells on growth in a not-scientific test.
First we had to try was whether the razors and the shrimp shells can be impregnated into floating feed. This was a challenge we hand over to TEMA. They have experience with all kind of feed consultancy. They did some trials and in the end TEMA created three experimental feeds: basic, basic with razor clams, basic with shrimp shells. Luckily the fish liked the feed!
The experiment was carried out twice to reduce the risk of coincidental results. The results of these two trials showed that razor clams might be beneficial. In the coming months we set-up new experiments to verify these results.